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Determiners | Detail Study



2▪︎Types Of Determiners,
3▪︎Detail Study,
4▪︎Rules-How To Use, Where To Use.

A Determiner is a word that comes before a noun and are used to show 'which' or 'how many' things nouns refer to.

2▪︎Types Of Determiners-
A-Article- a, an, the
B-Quantity- all, many, many a, much, few, a few, the few, little, a little, the little, some, any, each, every, etc.
C-Possessive Adjectives- my, our, yours, his, her, its, theirs
D-Demonstrative Adjectives- this, that, these, those.
3▪︎Detail Study-
A- Article- 'a' and 'an' are known as Indefinite Articles, while 'the' is the Definite Article. 
•My mother is reading a book.
•I ate an orange after lunch.
The honesty is the best policy. 
1-a+ singular noun beginning with a consonant. Example- a book, a chair, a picture etc.
2-an+ singular noun beginning with a vowel. Example- an egg, an apple, an inkpot etc.
3-Sometimes a word is spelt with a consonant but it is pronounced with a vowel sound. In such a case we use 'an': an hour(a), an honest man(o).
4-Sometimes a word is spelt with a vowel but it is pronounced with a  consonant sound. In such a case 'a' is used: a one rupee coin(v), a unit(y).
5- Rules for using 'The'
The is the Definite Article, we use it before a noun, when we want to make it particular. We say a hill, a sandwich  because we talk about them for the first time, we say 'the hill', 'the sandwich ' we know about which hill or sandwich we are talking about. 
The toy which I bought.
The ball which I gave you.
6- The can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. Examples- 
Five rupees, ten trees(Countable nouns), Oil, sand, water etc(uncountable nouns).
7- 'The' is used when we talk about a class of people, animals or things.
Example- the poor, the lion etc.
8-We use 'the' with superlatives. 
•He is the best student in the class.
•Jupiter is the largest planet of all. 
9- 'The' is also used when we speak of unique things for example- The Sun
•The Sun rises in the east.
10- We use 'The' with the names of:
a- Rivers- The Godaveri, The Nile
b- Seas and Oceans- The Arabian Sea, The Pacific Ocean 
c- Mountain Ranges(regions between limit of variation)- The Himalaya, The Nilgiris
d- Holy Books- The Quran, The Bible
e- Trains, Ships, Aeroplanes- The Deccan Express, The Jet Airways 
f- Newspapers- The Times Of India, The Hindustan Times 
g- Well known buildings- The Red Fort, The Tajmahal
h- Countries if the name contains a Common noun- The United states of America 
i- The whole families- The Khans, The Mehtas
B- Quantity Determiners-
Many, Many a, Much
 ▪︎ Many is followed by a plural number.
Example- Many ladies in their gorgeous dresses were present at the function.
▪︎ While Many a by a singular number. 
Example- Many a time , he talk to him.
▪︎ Much denotes quantity, while Many denotes number.
Example- I cannot do much in this matter.
Few, A few, The few
▪︎ Few means not many, hardly any.
Example- Few persons are free from faults(not many)
▪︎ A few means some.
Example- He read a few books.
▪︎The few means not many but all of them.
Example- I have read all the few books I had.
Little, A little, The little 
▪︎ Little means not much, hardly any.
Example- There is little time left. 
▪︎A little means some.
Example- I have only a little money left.
▪︎The little means not much but all of that much.
Example- He lost the little money he had.(whatever little he had)
C- Possessive Adjectives-
They are those adjectives, that are used to show the possession.( that this person or thing belongs to me)
This car is mine.
Those clothes are yours.
D- Demonstrative Adjectives-
They are used to show person, places or things that are near or at a distance. 
'This' and 'That' are used for things that are singular nouns.
'That' and 'Those' are used for things that are plural nouns.
These dresses are for sale.
Raju and Vijay are in the same class.

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