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What Is Poetry?


             What Is Poetry?


2▪︎ The Main Elements Of Poetry,

3▪︎The Study Of Poetry,

4▪︎ The Appreciation Of Poetry,

5▪︎ Techniques Of Appreciating Poetry,

6▪︎ Diction,

7▪︎ Imagery,

8▪︎ Style,

9▪︎ Concluding Paragraph. 
1▪︎ Introduction-
'Poetry' originally came from a Greek root meaning 'to make'. A poet is therefore regarded as the creator. 
Given below are certain definitions of Poetry by great masters which may support the term Poetry.
• "Poetry is an art of imitation". -Sidney
• "Poetry must be simple, sensuous and passionate". - Milton
• "Poetry is a species of composition opposed to science". -Coleridge
Thus, we can say that Poetry is speech that is somehow extraordinary. The imagination has always been regarded as the specifically poetic quality and many list rhyme among the essentials of Poetry. Some assert that typical Poetry should be written in verse while some others emphasize upon the importance of rhythm in a poem.
2▪︎ The Main Elements Of Poetry-
Poetry is an art in words and as such has all the characteristics of an art and utilizes all the resources of words. It is the product of an experience which it is able to communicate through chosen words and imagery to the readers or the listeners, and in doing so, it is capable of giving joy and of making a spiritual appeal. Besides, it must be in a regular and uniform rhythm. 
3▪︎ The Study Of Poetry-
One is advised to start the study of Poetry from the single work of a Poet. Take up a Poem and read it carefully to follow the general sense of that Poetry.  Then, read it aloud to capture its rhythm and rhyme. Finally, read it again to enter into its total meaning.  In order to be able to do it, one should look into the kind of Poetry it is and the images, metaphor, similes, comparisons, and other figures of speech expressed in parts and as a whole.
4▪︎ The Appreciation Of Poetry-
whenever we are asked to appreciate a poetry , or to comment on it or to criticise it, we should first understand it in the manner described above and then find out its success or failure, merits or demerits.  Don't try to judge the poem before fully comprehending (understanding) it. Before understanding and judging, the points to be kept in mind are the poem has to be considered as the attitude towards life, the feeling, the mood, the atmosphere, tone, style, sound, rhythm, imagery, diction - none of these in isolation has any value.  
5▪︎ Techniques Of Appreciating Poetry-
For the proper Appreciation of the poem, it is a must that the reader should strip himself of all his biases, and inclinations and approaches the poem only after negating his/her own personality. 
The next step should be to ask ourselves as to what it is in the poem we like or whether the poet has succeeded in presenting his experience convincingly.  This analysis of themes should go side by side with an examination of technique. The general meaning of the poem may be expressed in one or two sentences only. The title of the poem may provide the reader with necessary hints on the matter. After that the detailed meaning must be written in Continuous paragraph stanza wise. Broadly speaking the subject matter must be discussed first and then the style. But it must be remembered that matter and manner can never be studied separately.  The one is dependent on other.
The first thing that strikes a reader of Poetry is the attitude of the poet in the poem. Either the poet keeps himself completely aloof from the experience related in the poem or he makes it out to be personal. In the first condition, he describes either the experiences of others in his own voice or the others experiences in others voices keeping himself completely aloof. Thus there are three voices that are heard in the poetry.  The personal voice is called the Lyric, the semi personal Voice is called the Narrative and the third impersonal voice is called the Dramatic.
6▪︎ Diction-
The word 'Diction' is derived from Greek prefix 'Dic' meaning 'say'. It therefore means words. The discussion of Diction of a given poetic passage thus means discussion of the nature of the words used in it and their order of arrangements. That is why one should speak of the diction of poetry in general rather than of any particular 'Poetic Diction'.
Though no hard and fast rules may be laid down still we can enumerate various types of diction that have been used in Poetry with the help of their technical names. 
In order to enjoy and judge a poem it is necessary to study its imagery as carefully as any other thing. By imagery we mean images evoked in the minds of the readers by the use of figures of Speech such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, climax, pun, and irony etc. A symbol is a sign of something else whereas an image on the other hand , is a mental event connected with the sensation.  The following are the image making devices with the help of which a poet creates images:
• Direct image by means of picturesque, visions and dreams.
• Figurative Images by means of simile, metaphor, Oxymoron, personification, hyperbole etc.
• Myths and allegories. 
Direct Image- Direct image are pictures given in direct language unlike figurative ones. But even this type of imagery has frequently associative and even symbolic value.
• Figurative Images- This type of imagery is evoked with the help of different figures of Speech.
• Simile- It is the type of comparison between things or objects by using 'as' or 'like'.
She is as sweet as a flower. 
• Metaphor- Is comparing two unlike objects or things that have some Common qualities in them. 
Life is a dream.
• Personification- It occurs when a writer gives human traits to non- human objects.
Love is blind.
• Hyperbole- It relates the statement as something better or worse than it is. 
My grandmother is as old as the hills. 
• Myths And Allegories-
They also have their utility in making an image significant and vivid. Visions and dreams are also capable of presenting images. 
8▪︎ Style-
The word 'Style' is derived from Latin word 'stilus'. Originally it meant "an instrument used to write with upon waxed tables". Todat it stand for the manner or quality of an expression.  In the study of style two factors needs to be taken into consideration: 
1•Influences on style - Of Times these may be studied from the point the date and the occasion when the poem was composed.  The greatest poems are frequently both universal and particular, typical and individual of all ages, and of one age.
2• Influences of theories of some Art and Philosophy - These are very important in the study of some artists. Naturalism, Realism, Mirror of Life, Romanticism etc. have render a helping hand in the study of the style of a writer. 
9▪︎ Concluding Paragraph-
In the Concluding paragraph we must comment on the poem's readability and enjoyability whether  the poem fulfills the two fold function of art i.e. to entertain and instruct, must also be pointed out.  In the end, comments must be made upon the genius and capability.  A critical evaluation which is precise, suggestive, alert, and original never fails to impress the readers or the listeners.  Readers or listeners should normally try to confine themselves to their own reactions and responses. 
If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will Get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you...

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