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Parts of Speech - Adjective ( Definition, Types & Examples )



An Adjective adds to the meaning of a noun ( or pronoun  ). It may refer to quality, quantity, number & so on.        Ex. There are seven days in a week.           He told us an interesting story.             There is little water in the jug.    The words seven,interesting, and little in the above sentences, add to the meaning of a Nouns days, story, and water respectively. So they are Adjectives. Each Adjective is followed by a noun it qualifies. 


There are eight kinds of Adjectives: 

1▪︎ Adjectives of Quality - Adjectives of quality tell us about the quality or kind of a person or a thing we are talking about. Example- •Sana is an intelligent girl. 
• The Elephant is a large animal.       
• we live under the blue sky.
NOTE: The adjectives intelligent, large, and blue tell us what kind of a person or thing it is, such adjectives are called Adjectives of Quality. It answers the question "of what kind"?

2▪︎ Adjectives of Quantity - It tell us how much of a thing is intended are called Adjectives of Quantity. Example- •There is little coffee in the kettle. 
• She takes great care of her health. 
• He does not have much money.                                NOTE:
The Adjectives little, great, and much tell us how much of thing is intended.  Such Adjectives are called Adjectives of Quantity.  It answers the question "How much"?  
3▪︎ Adjectives of Number or Numeral Adjectives- It tell us how many persons or things are spoken of or in what ways or order a person or thing or thing stands, are called Adjectives of Number. 
Examples- •She is twenty years old.   
• I have many friends. 
• All men are mortal.
Thus twenty, many, and All are Adjectives of number or numeral adjectives. It answer the question "How many"?

4▪︎ Demonstrative Adjectives- Demonstrative Adjectives tell us which person, place or thing is spoken of.         
Examples- •Bunty and Sheena are in the same class.  
These dresses are for sale.  •This lady is very polite. 
Therefore, same, these and this are called Demonstrative Adjectives. 
NOTE: 'this' and 'that' are used with singular nouns. 
'these' and 'those' are used with plural nouns.

5▪︎ Distributive Adjectives- They are used to show that the person or things from a group are taken one at a time.
Example- •Each men has his own ideas.
• I have read every book you gave me.
• Neither boy was rewarded. 
The Adjectives each, every and neither , refer to a person or things taken separately. These words are called Distributive Adjectives. 

6▪︎ Interrogative Adjectives - The words what, which, and whose , when used with nouns to ask questions are called Interrogative Adjectives. 
Example- •which train is late?
  •Whose dress is she wearing?
   •What is your name?
In the above Sentences, which, whose, and what are Adjectives. They are called Interrogative Adjectives, because they are used with Nouns ( train, dress, and name ) to ask questions. 
NOTE: Whose is used for asking questions about persons.
Which is used for asking questions about a particular person or thing. 
What is used for things only. 

7▪︎ Proper Adjectives - They are Proper Adjectives used as adjectives forms of Proper Nouns. 
Example- He is an Indian. ( proper noun )
He is an Indian soldier. ( proper adjective )

8▪︎ Possessive Adjectives - It helps to show ownership or possession.     
Example- •That is your school.
• This is his book.
In the above Sentences, the words your and his show ownership or possession. Therefore they are called Possessive Adjectives. It answers the question whose?
Study the following sentences:
Mercury is a large planet. 
Earth is larger than Mercury. 
Jupiter is the largest planet of all.
In the above Sentences large, larger and largest are Positive, Comparative and Superlative degree. Let read them in Detail.
1▪︎ The Positive Degree - Is the adjective in its simplest form. It is used when no comparison is made. Example- Sunny's ball is big.

2▪︎ The Comparative Degree - It denotes the higher degree of the quality than the positive.  It is used when two things are compared. Example- Meera's ball is bigger than Sunny's.

3▪︎ The Superlative Degree - It denotes the highest degree of quality. It is used when more than two things are compared. Example- Meera's ball is the biggest of all.
Also Note: •The comparative degree is generally followed by the Conjunction than.
Example- Boys are stronger than girls.
• The comparative degree can be used without than.
Shikha is the cleverer of the two girls.
• The Superlative degree is preceded by the
Example- Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 

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