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The Sentence, Subject & Predicate


The Sentence,Subject & Predicate 

1-Sentence Definition,
3-Important Points,
4-Kinds Of Sentences,
5-Sentence Parts: Subject & Predicate. 
1-Sentence Definition
A group of such words which makes complete sense, is called a Sentence.  It can be divided into sentence types.
•There are twelve months in a year.
•Our cricket team won the match.
•Do not touch this switch. 
3-Important Points-
▪︎Every sentence begins with a capital letter.
▪︎A full stop (.) or question mark (?) is used at the end of a sentence. 
▪︎If a group of words does not have a verb it may makes sense but not complete sense. This group of words without a verb is called a Phrase.
We can say that the group of words which makes sense, but not complete sense is called a Phrase.
•Mother is at home.( at home - is a phrase)
•The boys are playing in the park.( in the park - is a phrase)
•A child ran across the road.( across the road - is a phrase)
•The cat is under the table.( under the table - is a phrase)
•Father will return in a few days. ( in a few days - is a phrase)
4-Kinds Of Sentences-
There are mainly four kinds of Sentences:
1▪︎Declarative Or Assertive Sentences-
It states or declares something. A full stop is used at the end of these kinds of Sentences. 
•My name is Bunty and I love playing football. 
•There is a monkey on this tree.
•Sheena will be here any moment. 
•The crowd cheered him loudly. 
Assertive Sentences are divided into TWO Parts:
A- Affirmative Sentences- Those which simply affirm something are called Affirmative Sentences. 
•He goes to shop everyday.
•We won the football match.
•The boys played the good game.
•Molly received the letter.
B- Negative Sentences-Those Sentences which simply deny something are called Negative Sentences. 
•He does not go to shop everyday. 
•We did not won the football match. 
•The boys did not play a good game.
•Molly did not receive a letter.
2-Interrogative Sentences-
Those Sentences which simply inquire about something are called Interrogative Sentences. Every Interrogative Sentence ends with a question mark (?).
•Do you play every evening?
•Where are you going now?
•Will you tell me the truth?
•Do you think it will rain today?
3-Imperative Sentences-
Those Sentences which contain command, request, wish, advice or prohibition are called Imperative Sentences. A full stop (.) Or question mark (?) Is used at the end of these kinds of Sentences. 
•Get out of the class.
•Please, keep quiet. 
•Do not touch the switch. 
•Please excuse me this time.
4-Exclamatory Sentences -
Those Sentences which express some strong or sudden feelings such as surprise, pity, wonder, sorrow or joy are called Exclamatory Sentences. 
•How beautiful!
•What a shame!
•Oh! I have spoiled the carpet.
•Bravo! That was a good shot.
5-Sentence Parts : Subject & Predicate-
In a sentence person or thing we speak about is called the Subject
What us spoken about that person or thing is called the Predicate
My brother(subject) - is driving a new car.(predicate)
A huge elephant(subject) - is attacking everyone.(predicate)
Baby(subject) - crawls all over the floor.(predicate)
The brave man(subject) - fought and killed the snake. (predicate)
The grass(subject) - is wet with dew.(predicate)
The subject can be found by taking the verb and asking the question 'who' or 'what'?
•A bad carpenter blames his tools.
•blames is the verb.
•Who blames?
The answer is 'A bad carpenter '
'A bad carpenter ' is the subject. 
ONCE the subject is found then the rest of the sentence will be the Predicate. 
The Himalayas(subject) - is the highest mountain in the world. (predicate)
A thing of beauty (subject) - is a joy forever.(predicate)
Some naughty boys(subject) - were throwing stones at the dogs.(predicate)
The red car(subject) - has given good service. (predicate)
The benches(subject) - needs to be repaired. (predicate)

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