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Direct & Indirect Speech | Rules & Examples


     Direct & Indirect Speech 

1- Explanation,
3-Rules for changing Direct into Indirect Speech,
4-Solved Exercise. 

1- Explanation- When we report or quote the actual words of the speaker, then it is called Direct Speech
BUT, When we report or quote what the speaker said without using his/her actual words, then it is called Indirect or Reported Speech
• The lady said, "I am baking a cake". (Direct Speech)
• The lady said that she was baking a cake. (Indirect Speech)
•The shopkeeper said, "I have the change".( Direct Speech)
• The shopkeeper said that he had the change.(Indirect Speech)
•My friend said,"I need some money ".(Direct Speech)
• My said said that he needed some money. (Indirect Speech)
NOTE: Omit quotation marks in Indirect Speech. 
3-Rules For Changing Direct Into Indirect Speech-
▪︎ A simple present in the reported speech becomes a simple past in the reported Speech. 
1-Sweety said, "I am not at home".(Direct Speech)
Sweety said that she was not at home.(Indirect Speech)
2-The teacher said to the students, "I am happy with your result".(Direct Speech)
The teacher told the students that she was happy with their result.(Indirect Speech)
▪︎The Present Continuous becomes the Past Continuous in the reported Speech. 
1- She said," My daughter is baking a cake". (Direct Speech)
She said that her daughter was baking a cake. (Indirect Speech)
▪︎The Present Perfect becomes the Past Perfect in the reported Speech or Indirect Speech. 
1-Jill said," Tina has finished her homework ".(Direct Speech)
Jill said that Tina had finished her homework. (Indirect Speech)
▪︎If the reported Speech states some universal truth, or habitual act , then the tense remains unchanged.
1-She said,"God is everywhere".(Direct Speech)
 She said that God is everywhere. (Indirect Speech)
2-Veena said,"Independence day is celebrated on 15th August".(Direct Speech)
 Veena said that Independence day is celebrated on 15th August.(Indirect Speech)
▪︎Words expressing nearness in time and place are changed into words expressing distance. Thus:
Direct  - Indirect
Here - there,
Now - then,
This - that,
These - those,
Today- that day,
Tomorrow  - the next day,
Yesterday  - the day before,
Ago - before
1-Mother said,"The guests are here".(Direct Speech)
 Mother said that the guests were there.(Indirect Speech)
2-Mrs. Khan said,"I am busy now ".(Direct Speech)
 Mrs. Khan said she was busy then.(Indirect Speech)
▪︎Changes in Pronouns- Pronoun and Possessive Adjective of the first and the second person are changed into those of the third person. 
1-She said,"I am at home now ".(Direct Speech)
 She said that she was at home then.     (Indirect Speech)
▪︎But one must be careful while changing pronouns. Pronouns of the third person in Direct Speech remain the same in Indirect Speech. 
1-The teacher said to me,"They are not at school".(Direct Speech)
 The teacher told me that they were not at school.(Indirect Speech)
▪︎ The shall of the future tense is changed into should, and similarly there are other changes like, will-would, shall-should, can-could, may-might.
1- The boy said,"I can solve the question".(Direct Speech)
  The boy said that he could solve the question. (Indirect Speech)
2-My friend said,"I will help you ".(Direct Speech)
 My friend said that he would help me (Indirect Speech)
▪︎If the reporting verb is in the Present tense then the tense in the direct Speech is not changed.
1-Susan says,"Tina has finished her work".(Direct Speech)
 Susan says Tina has finished her work. (Indirect Speech)
2-Shakku says,"I am very busy".(Direct Speech)
 Shakku says he is very busy.(Indirect Speech)
NOTE: 'that' is omitted.
4-Solved Exercise:
Change the following Sentences from Direct into Indirect Speech:
1- The teacher said,"Water changes into vapour on heating".(Direct Speech)
 The teacher said that water changes into vapour on heating.(Indirect Speech)
(No change as this is a universal truth)
2- Molly said,"Mummy is busy today ".(Direct Speech)
 Molly said that her mummy was busy that day. (Indirect Speech)
3- Sweety said to Andrew,"I like you".(Direct Speech)
 Sweety said to Andrew that she liked her.(Indirect Speech)
4- He said,"I shall go home".(Direct Speech)
 He said that he should go home.(Indirect Speech)
5- The teacher said to her,"You are an intelligent girl".(Direct Speech)
 The teacher told her that she was an intelligent girl. (Indirect Speech)

Below I have mentioned the video about Direct & Indirect Speech.  

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