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Letter Writing | C.B.S.E Board Format



                   Letter Writing 

1▪︎Letter Types,
1▪︎ Letter Types- There are basically two main types of Letters. With the advancement of technology, a lot has changed. Still Letter writing holds special importance. In order to score good marks in board exam, its very important to know the correct format.
The two main kinds of Letters are:
1- Formal Letters- That are related to business or official letters.
2- Informal letters- That are written to family and friends. 
•The format of a Formal Letter.
Sender's Address
(Leave one line)

Address of the addressee
(Leave one line)
Body of the letter 1-Introduction 
                                 2-Main content
Complimentary close
Sender's Name
Designation(if applicable)
3▪︎Example of Formal letter-
Write an application to the Principal of your school asking for a character certificate. 
12, Civil Lines,
Station Road,
20th October, 2021.

Subject: kindly Issue Character Certificate 

The Principal,
St. Anthony's School,
Respected Father,
                                 I am a student of class VIII A in your school. My parents have been transferred to Hyderabad and we will be shifting this month.
I will be seeking admission in St. Paul's school.
             My father has been asked to submit a character certificate from my previous school. I would like to thank you for the all round education I received at St Anthony's school right from nursery and I don't think that I have done a anything to spoil the image of my school, as such I am sure, when you enquire about me from my teachers you will undoubtedly receive a good report. 
                       I request you to kindly issue me a character certificate before I leave the school this month. With above consideration, I shall remain ever grateful to you. 
Thanking You, 
Yours faithfully,
Alex John
Class- VIII A

•The Format of an Informal Letter.
Address of the writer 
(Leave one line)
Body of the letter 1-Introduction
                                 2-Main content 
Writer's name.
Example of Informal Letter-
Write a letter to your sister who is in Delhi telling her how you learnt to ride a bicycle and the problems you faced.

Nehru Park,
Company Bagh,
New Delhi.
15th November,2021.

My dear Sana,
                          How do you do? I am fine here and hope same for you. I can't wait to relate to you my new achievement.
                       Daddy presented me with a new bicycle last week for coming first in class. As you know, I don't know how to ride a bicycle but I got onto it with determination and asked Sam to give me a push. I went a few yards and fell. I got a few bruises but thank God my bicycle was fine.
                              My next attempt took me off the road but I managed to guide myself back and after that there was no looking back. This whole week I have enjoyed myself going for rides with my friends. I'm waiting to take you for a ride when you come next week. Come soon and take good care of your health. 
Yours lovingly 
4▪︎ Conclusion-
To conclude, I would like to say that if we know the correct format, then we can easily  write on any topic. The only thing we have to do is arrange our thoughts into words.  Last but not the least stick to the word limit and answer appropriately whatever is asked in the question. Thank You. 


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