Speech Writing
1▪︎ Introduction,
2▪︎ Outline Of The Speech,
3▪︎ Speech Examples,
4▪︎ Recapitulate.
1▪︎ Introduction-
At some point in our life, whether at school or at the workplace, we are called upon to give a Speech. At the board examination, the candidates are required to express their viewpoint on a particular topic in the format of a speech delivered to the live audience. In the speech format, where the students or colleagues are required to use the personal pronoun i.e. 'I' and give their personal opinion. So the following steps would be a great help in writing your speech and delivering the same format in the speech with confidence.
2▪︎ Outline Of The Speech-
A• First collect all the relevant information on the topic given and write accordingly.
B• Stick to the topic, don't convey unimportant facts.
C• Thirdly, write exactly of what you want to convey to the audience.
D• The Introduction of the Speech should be catchy. As it immediately let the audience or the readers know what they would get from the Speech. Then go on and elaborate whatever is said in the introduction part of you. Prove your points with examples.
E• Make an apt conclusion to your Speech by including a strong affirmative statement.
F• Written form of Notice always comes within a Box.
3▪︎ Speech Examples-
Global Warming
Outline: Global Warming, Causes, Effects, How to check Global Warming
Respected Principal, Teachers and my dear friends,
Today, we all are celebrating 'The World Environment Day'. It is a pleasant feeling to see that we are becoming more and more aware about our environment. But at the same time it is a matter of deep concern for all of us that we human-beings are very much responsible for 'Global Warming'
So that is the cause of 'Global Warming '. It occurs as a result of increased concentration of green house gases in the atmosphere. The main green house gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. These gases do not allow all the radiations from the earth to escape back into space. This is known as Greenhouse effect.
This trapped radiation result in the increase of the earth's temperature. Increase in the concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is caused by burning of fossil fuels, industrial pollution and deforestation as well as disturbing the forest ecosystem on a large scale. This has resulted in the changes in rainfall patterns, melting of glaciers leading to rise in sea level and radiation imbalance.
So need of the time is , to take remedial steps to prevent our planet. By following few simple steps we can make a big difference. We can do so by using the alternative sources of energy like solar energy, checking deforestation and encouraging afforestation.
So it is my humble request that you take into consideration of what I have said, and try to do your part. After all, it is our generation and the upcoming generations, who are likely to feel the major effects.
Thank You.
Outline: Introduction, Variety of Hobbies, Conclusion
Respected Principal, Teachers and my dear Friends.
Today I am here to talk about 'Hobby'. A hobby provides us with the best way of utilizing our additional energy and engaging our mind and body fruitfully. Hobbies are very important part of our lives, because if we have a hobby, we will reduce negative stress in our lives and our minds also get recharged for other future challenges. Professional work is done for making a living, whereas a hobby is undertaken for pleasure. Children from an early age must be inspired to indulge in their favourite leisure activity which will help them to develop a balanced personality.
As hobbies differ from person to person. But the most common among them are Reading, Playing sports, traveling, cooking and playing board games etc.
The choice of a hobby totally depends on individual taste as well as availability of resources. An ideal hobby should be relaxing and cost-effective. With the changing world, traditional hobbies like reading, painting, fishing etc are overtaken by modern hobbies like net surfing, online chatting, blogging, and adventure sports. Every individual can choose a hobby as per his/her interest.
To Conclude, A hobby should not control the life of an individual. A hobby is like a shady retreat from the scorching journey of life. It acts as a revitalisers. If happiness is the goal of an individual, hobbies are some means to achieve that goal.
Thank You.
4▪︎ Recapitulate-
To conclude, Speech is the best form through which we can share our views on the given topic, whether its written or verbal form. Before delivering the Speech, always make the outline of it(topic). Its causes, effects and remedial measures as well. It should be appealing to leave the impact on the audience or the readers.
If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will Get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you...