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Sentence Transformation


        Sentence Transformation 

▪︎Different Ways,
▪︎Points To Remember.
▪︎ Introduction: Transformation is changing a sentence from one structure to another structure.It does not effects its meaning. It also help us, to write a sentence in a variety of ways. The following are the different ways of transformation.
▪︎ Different Ways
1- Affirmative to Negative Sentences-
It can be transformed to negative Sentences and vice versa.
•He is sometimes foolish. (Affirmative)
  He is not always wise.(Negative)
•We shall always remember our leader.(Affirmative)
 We shall never forget our leaders. (Negative)
•Only Seema could do this sum.(Affirmative)
 None but Seema could do this sum.(Negative)
•He tried every method to solve the sum.(Affirmative)
  He left no method untried to solve the sum.(Negative)
2-Exclamatory to Assertive Sentences-
It can be changed into Assertion as shown below.
• Oh that the forest were my dwelling place.(Exclamatory)
   I wish that the forest were my dwelling place.(Assertive)
•If I could only win the competition. (Exclamatory)
  I earnestly desire to win the competition. (Assertive)
•How well she sings!(Exclamatory)
  She sings very well. (Assertive)
3-Interrogative into Assertive Sentences-
A question is put either to get information or to suggest an answer. Only the latter type of questions can be changed into the Assertive form and vice versa.
•Who does not wish to be rich?(Interrogative)
  Everyone wishes to be rich.(Assertive)
•When will he learn to be punctual.(Interrogative)
  He will never learn to be punctual. (Assertive)
•Can Sweety change her nature,(Interrogative)
  Sweety cannot change her nature. (Assertive)
4-Interchange of Parts of speech-
Without changing the meaning of the sentence, we can interchange parts of Speech. 
•I am sure that he will succeed.(Adjective)
According to me, he will surely succeed.(Adverb)
•It was her intention to tease me.(Noun)
  She teased me intentionally. (Adverb)
•He was generous even to his enemies.(Adjective)
  He showed generosity even to his enemies. (Noun)
5- Degree of Comparison Interchange-
It is very much possible to change the Degree of comparison of an Adjective or an Adverb in a sentence without effecting the meaning of the sentence. 
•Hydogen is the lightest of all gases.(Superlative)
 Hydrogen is lighter than any other gas.(Comparative)
 No gas is as light as Hydrogen. (Positive)
•No flower is as beautiful as the rose.(Positive)
 The rose is more beautiful than any other flower. (Comparative)
 The rose is the most beautiful of flowers. (Superlative)
6-Interchange of Active and Passive voice-
Active Voice Sentences can be changed into Passive Voice Sentences  and vice versa.
•The enemy has defeated his army.(Active)
 His army has been defeated. (Passive)
•I wrote a story. (Active)
The story was written by me.(Passive)
•Shut the window.(Active)
  Let the window be shut.(Passive)
•Who taught you Spanish.(Active)
  By whom were you taught Spanish?   (Passive)   OR
  By whom was Spanish taught to you?      (Passive)
 7-Interchange of Sentences having the Adverb "Too"-
The sentences having the Adverb "too" can be changed, as shown in the examples below-
•This log is too heavy to be lifted.
 This log is so heavy that it cannot be      lifted.
•She is too weak to walk
  She is so weak that she cannot walk.
•He is too clever not to see through your tricks.
  He is so clever that he sees through your tricks.
•The dog is too old to learn new things.
  The dog is so old that it cannot learn new things.
▪︎Points To Remember:
1•If the sentence containing the word "too" and "to" is a positive sentence, then it will transform into a Negative Sentence and the word 'cannot' is used as-
  The news is too good to be true.
  The news is so good that it cannot be true.
2•If the sentence containing the words "too" and "to" is a Negative sentence, then it changes into a Positive sentence when transformed and the word 'cannot' is replaced by the word 'can',
 He is too careless not to make a   mistake. 
 He is so careless that he can make a   mistake. 


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