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Subject-Verb Agreement | Types With Examples



▪︎A verb must agree with its subject in Number and Person
Agreeing with the subject in number means that- when the subject is singular the verb must be singular. 

When the subject is plural the verb must be plural.
Example- The cows are in the meadows. ( plural subject, plural verb )
The farmer is in the field. ( singular subject, singular verb )
In the sentences above subject and verb agree in number
The verb must also agree with the subject in person
If the subject is singular, first person, the verb must also be singular, first person as: 
Example- I play with the car.
                  I was at home.
                  I am an Indian.
If the subject is singular, third person, the verb must be singular, third person as:
Example- She plays with the car.
                  She was at home.
                  She is an Indian. 
A subject in the plural number, third person takes a verb of the plural number third person: 
Example- They play with the cars.
                   They were at home.
                   They are Indians.
▪︎ Two or more singular Subjects joined by and take a plural verb.
Example- A fool and his money are soon parted.
Kashaf and her sister are identical twins. 
▪︎ When two Subjects joined by and together express one idea, the verb is singular. 
Example- Time and tide waits for no man.
Rice and dal is my favourite dish.
▪︎ When two singular Subjects joined by and refer to the same person or thing, the verb is in the singular. 
Example- The poet and the statesman has come.
My friend and guide has left me.

NOTE: If the Article is used once, the two nouns refer to the same person or thing and the verb used is singular. But if the Article is used twice, the two nouns refer to two different persons or things and the verb used is plural.
The poet and the statesman have come.
Another example is-
The Actor and Singer has arrived.
The Actor and the Singer have arrived. 
▪︎ Each, everyone, either, neither, many a, must be followed by a singular verb.
Neither of these answers is correct. 
Everyone was given a certificate. 
Each of these girls tells the same story. 
Many a boy is tempted to do mischief.
▪︎ When two Subjects are joined by or, either....or, neither....nor, the verb agrees with the second subject in number and person. 
Neither food nor water was found there.
Either he or I am to blame. 
When the subjects connected by or, nor are of different numbers, the verb should be Plural and the Plural subject should be placed near the verb. 
Neither Aatif nor his lawyers were there.
Mr. Batra and his colleagues are to be blamed. 
▪︎ When two Subjects are joined by as well as, with, etc., the verb agrees with the first in number and person. 
Raj, as well as you, is at fault. 
The king with all his sons was thrown in the dungeon. 
▪︎ If two Singular Nouns joined by and are preceded by each or every, the verb used is singular. 
Each and every child has completed his work. 
Every boy and girl was given a gift.
▪︎ When two Subjects are joined by not only....but, not only.....but also, the verb agrees with the second subject in number and person. 
Not only Zaroon, but also I am responsible for the loss.
▪︎ A collective Noun takes a singular verb when the class it names is considered as a unit.
The jury is finally complete. 
But when the members of the class are considered individually , the verb must be plural. 
The jury were divided in their opinions. 
▪︎ The following nouns, though singular in form, always takes a Plural verb: cattle, folk, gentry, mankind, majority, police, public, people, nobility. 
The cattle are grazing in our field.
The police have arrested the murderer. 
The people wants justice. 
▪︎ The following Nouns are Plurals and have no singular form. 
Clothes- Breeches, pants, Jeans, socks, trousers. 
Tools- Scissors, tongs, pincers, bellows.
Miscellaneous- Alms, ashes, thanks, riches, proceeds, remains, circumstances. 
My scissors are missing. 
Alms were given to beggars.
▪︎ When a Plural Noun denotes a quality or quantity considered as a whole, the Singular verb is used.
Five thousand rupees is not a bad salary. 

5- Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb-
1- She ........the truth.  ( speak, speaks )
2- Good news..........always welcome. (are is )
3- Everyone of the  
( are, is )
4- Bread and favourite breakfast. ( are, is )
5- Either my mother or my father............going with me to Mumbai. ( is, are )

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