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Adverb- Definition, Types And Examples


An Adverb is a word, that modifies a verb, an adjective or another Adverb. It indicates time, place, manner & so on.
Ex. She is extremely beautiful.                        He is a very good player. 
Below I have mentioned the video related to Adverb. You can also see subject related videos on my youtube channel. 

            KINDS OF ADVERBS 
1▪︎ Adverb of manner- They tell us the manner in which action takes place. It answers the question 'how'? They mostly end in 'ly'. Like badly, happily, easily etc.                                  Ex. •He works hardly.                                   • Take your exercise regularly

2▪︎ Adverb of place- An adverb of 'place ' tell us where something is done or happen. It answers the question where?Like everywhere, inside, outside, backward etc.               Ex. •We have been looking everywhere for you.                   • He went away.

3 ▪︎ Adverb of time- An adverb of 'time' tell us when and also for how long an action takes place.  It answers the question 'when'? Like today, Weekly, monthly, yesterday etc.            Ex. •He is going tomorrow.                          • I will call you today

4▪︎ Adverb of degree - An adverb of degree shows how much or to what extent a thing is done. It answers the question 'how much'? Like very, entirely, absolutely etc.                             Ex. •She is very good at painting.             • He didn't work hard enough to win the competition. 

5▪︎ Adverb of frequency  - An adverb of frequency tell us how frequently something is done or takes place.  It answers the question 'how often'? Like twice, daily, often, always etc.      Ex.  •I go to fruit market twice a week.     
• The park in our colony is cleaned daily
6▪︎ Interrogative Adverb- They are used for asking questions. It ends with a question mark (?)
 Ex.  •How often do you visit your parents?                                                          • Which train is late today?

NOTE: Now you are provided with the details related to the topic. If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will Get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks you...

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