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Points to be covered :
1- Definition of Conjunction & Interjection,
2- Examples,
3- Types,
4- Note, &
5- Exercises


Conjunction is a joining word. It join one word to another word or one sentence to another sentence. The most commonly used conjunctions are and, but, or, because, till, still, although, as, unless, while, when etc.
Example- Two and two makes four.
I play cricket, but I don't play too well.
Stay there till your mother comes.
She kept teasing me, still I kept quiet.
There are three types of Conjunctions:
1▪︎ Coordinate Conjunction- It connects two words or group of words with similar values. 
Example- A  and B stayed up all night practicing their guitar. 
NOTE : There are only seven Coordinate conjunction in the English language, and they are often remembered by using the FANBOYS which means F for for, A for and, N for nor, B for but, O for or, Y for yet, S for so.
2▪︎ Subordinate Conjunction- It connects two group of words by making one into a subordinate clause. ( clause is a group of words that consists of a subject and a verb ) OR we can say that it connects two elements of unequal status. It answers the question 'when' and 'why'? 
Example- I can go shopping, after I finish studying. ( when )
Because the night was young, Farah decided to take a walk.( why )
3▪︎Correlative Conjunction- They are similar to Coordinate conjunction, because they join sentence elements that are similar in importance. And they are always used in pairs. 
Both, and - Both Shakku and Arhan made the cricket team this year.
Neither, nor - Neither Farah nor Sania attended the wedding party.
Not only, but also - Not only did Arsh made the hockey team, but also become one of the strongest player. 

Interjection is a word or word group that shows the feelings. OR they are used to express sudden feelings of happiness, sorrow, fear, hurt or surprise. Like Ah! Oh! Wow! Well done! Hurray! Alas! Hush! etc.
NOTE : Interjection is always followed by an exclamation mark.
Examples - wow! What a beautiful dress.
Hurray! We won the match.
Hush! Don't speak so loudly.
Alas! I have hurt my hand.
Oh no! I have lost my keys again.

Exercises related to Conjunctions: 
Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunctions.
1• The naughty boy was punished........... the bell rang.
2• Both the girls are very pretty............neither of them are proud.
3• The workers sing loudly...........they carry heavy loads.
4• Ants and tiny creatures.................very hard working. 
5• .................they began their work early, they could not complete it.

Exercises related to Interjections: 
Fill in a suitable Interjection.
1• ...........What a pleasant surprise. 
2• ...........The birds will fly away. 
3• ...........Baby has just gone to sleep.
4• ............What a brilliant idea. 
5• .............Do you expect me to remain silent. 
NOTE : I hope this blog is informative for you. Try to solve the exercises given by me. Answer me in the comment section. And if you want answers, then please mention in the comment section. Thanks for giving your precious time. 

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