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Figures Of Speech | Types | Examples


               Figures Of Speech 


▪︎Introduction: A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning other than the literal meaning. There are many types of figures of speech. Today I will talk about one of the nine important Figures of Speech. So, let's start.
1-Simile- It is a type of comparison between things or objects by using 'as' or 'like'. In it two objects are compared, and the words use for comparison are 'as' or 'like'.
She is as sweet as Rose.
Life is like a dream. 
So, in the above Sentences her sweetness is compared to a rose flower. Whereas in another sentence life is compared to a dream.
2-Metaphor- Is comparing two unlike objects or things, which may have some common qualities among them.
He is Hitler of our home.
Life is a dream. 
So, in the examples given above He is not like Hitler, but is the real Hitler. Whereas in the second one, life is considered as a dream, not like dream.
3-Personification- It occurs when a writer gives human traits (characteristics typically one, belonging to a person)to non-human objects. It is similar to Simile and Metaphor that also uses comparison between two objects. 
Love is blind.
A lie has no legs.
Here lifeless object is shown as a living object. 
4-Hyperbole- A statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is. OR It uses extreme exaggeration.
She is as heavy as an Elephant. 
My Grandfather is as old as the hills.
In the above examples as well extreme exaggeration is used.
5-Oxymoron- The word Oxymoron is derived from the Greek word for pointlessly foolish. (Oxys means sharp, and moros means foolish).In it two contradictory opposite terms are combined. 
Life is bitter sweet
The comedian was seriously funny.
In the Sentences above two contradictory terms are combined together. 
6-Alliteration- It is the occurance of the same sound, at the beginning of the closely connected words.
"My mother" - here 's' sound is repeated. 
"Smile and smile and smile" - here 's' sound is repeated. 
"Sixty-six" - 's' sound is repeated. 
"Was that the day" - 't' sound is repeated. (Poem by Kamala Das)
7-Apostrophe- In addition to being a Punctuation mark, an Apostrophe is a Figure of Speech in which some absent or lifeless object is addressed, as if present and capable of understanding. 
O Love! Where are you,
O Death! Come soon.
In the above examples, lifeless object are addressed, as if present and capable of understanding. 
8-Onomatopoeia- It is the use of words    (such as hiss or murmur) that imitates the sound associated with the objects or actions they refer to. It is sometimes also called "Figure of Sound" rather than "Figures of Speech ".
The cats mew.
The Bees hum.
From the above examples, it is clearly understood that, its an example of Onomatopoeia. 
9-Symbols- Symbols are images with non-literal meaning. They stand for something other than what they seems to be on the surface. Poetry and creative writing makes extensive use of symbolism. A "Dove" in the poem might actually stand for peace or purity and not the bird itself. 
BMW is a Symbol of wealth and power.
The handshake is a Symbol of friendship and respect. 
Above examples have non-literal meaning. 
Figures of Speech are basically used in Poetry and creative writing in order to enhance the beauty of the writing. There are many types of Figures of Speech, but most important among them are Simile,Metaphor,Personification,Hyperbole,Alliteration,Oxymoron,Apostrophe Onomatopoeia and Symbol.

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