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Glimpses Of India - Tea From Assam || Class 10th English


Glimpses Of India - Tea From Assam 

This Article Covers:
1- Introduction 
2- About The Author 
3- Chapter Explanation 
4- Word-Meaning 
5- Textbook Exercises 
6- Value Based Question/Answers 
7- To Recapitulate 

1- Introduction 
This narrative is a pen-portrait of tea 🍵plantation in Assam which is written by Arun Kumar Datta. It describes Assam,  which has the largest concentration of tea plantation in the world. The writer tried to explain the importance of tea throughout the world through a conversation between two students Pranjol and Rajvir.
Pranjol belonged to Assam and he had invited Rajvir to visit his home during the summer vacation. So, both of them were travelling to Assam by a train. On the way, Rajvir shared his knowledge of Tea.

2- About The Author 
• Arup Kumar Datta is an Indian writer, and journalist from Guwahati, Assam.
• He was born in 1946 at Jorhat in Assam.
• He was educated at Delhi University. 
• His renowned work count 'The Adventure Stories', and 'Brahmaputra' that have been translated into many foreign languages. 
• He got the honor of Padma Shri Award.

3- Chapter Explanation 
The story begins with the conversation between the two school students Rajvir and Pranjol. They were classmates in the same school in Delhi. Pranjol belonged to Assam and his father was the manager of a tea garden named Dhekiabari in Assam. 
He had invited Rajvir to visit his place during the summer vacation. So, both of them were travelling to Assam by a train. On the way, they purchased tea from a vendor and enjoyed its sip.

Importance Of Tea And Tea Gardens
While enjoying tea, Rajvir told Pranjol that over 80 Crore cups of tea drunk everyday around the world. Tea is a very popular drink. Rajvir was looking out of the window. As he was very much amazed to see the beautiful scene outside the window. 
He was also fascinated by the vast stretch of the tea bushes. Pranjol,  on the other hand was reading his detective book. He was born and brought up in Assam, which is the largest producer of tea. Thus, he was not excited. 

Rajvir's Knowledge About Tea
Rajvir shared his knowledge of tea. He told Pranjol that there are many stories from the past about the discovery of tea. According to a Chinese legend, a Chinese emperor discovered tea when he was boiling water for drinking, few leaves of the twigs fell into the water which changed the area and taste of that water. It is believed that those few leaves were tea leaves. Rajvir also added that tea was first drunk in  China in 2700 BC and the words 'tea, 'Chai' and 'chini' are originated from China. Tea first came to Europe in the sixteenth century but it was drunk as a medicine than as a beverage. 
According to Indian legends, an ancient Buddhist monk cut off his eyelids because he felt asleep while doing meditation. Then tea plantation grew out of his eyelids. It is believed that these leaves were used in hot water to drink in order to banish sleep.

Dhekiabari Tea Estate
Rajvir and Pranjol reached the junction where Pranjol's parents were waiting to receive them. They all then went to Dhekiabari Tea Estate which was managed by Pranjol's father. There were huge acres of tea bushed spread around. Tea-pluckers were wearing plastic apron with bamboo basket on their backs. They were plucking leaves and collecting in that bamboo basket. Rajvir shared his knowledge of tea with Pranjol's father. He told Pranjol's father that it was the second flush or season. The first flush is suitable for those who prefer to drink light tea and first flush harvest season starts from February and last upto April. Then comes second flush which is best for those who prefer to drink strong tea which starts in summer and last upto Monsoon season. Pranjol's father was so much impressed after hearing this from Rajvir.

4- Word-Meaning 
• Steaming- very hot
• Ardent- keen
• Densely- thickly
• Legends- a story from the past
• Sturdy- well built
• Estate- grounds, property 
• Vendor- seller, salesperson 
• Scoffed- mock, make fun of

5- Textbook Exercises 
I- Look at these words: upkeep, downpour, undergo, dropout, walk-in. They are built up from a verb(keep, pour, go, drop, walk) and an adverb or a preposition (up, down,  under,  out, in). Use these words appropriately in the sentences below. 
i- A heavy downpour has been forecast due to low pressure inches Bay of Bengal.
ii- Rakesh will undergo major surgery tomorrow morning. 
iii- My brother is responsible for the upkeep of our family property. 
iv- The dropout rate for this accountancy course is very high.
v- She went to the Enterprise company to attend a walk-in interview. 

II- Now fill in the blanks in the sentences given below by combining the verb given in brackets :
i- The Army attempted unsuccessfully to overthrow the government. (throw)
ii- Scientists are on the brink of a major breakthrough in cancer research. (break)
iii- The state government plans to build a bypass for Bhubaneswar to speed up traffic on the main highway. (pass)
iv- Gautama's outlook on life changed when he realised that the world is full of sorrow. (look)
v- Rakesh seemed unusually downcast after the game.(cast)

III- Notice how these -ing and -ed Adjectives are used
a- Chess is an interesting game.
I am very interested in chess.
b- Going trekking in the Himalayas this summer is an exciting idea.
We are very excited about the trek.
c- Are all your school books boring?
He was bored as he had no friends there.
Now think of suitable-ing or -ed Adjectives to answer the following questions. How would you describe 
i- a good detective serial on television?
Ans- Exciting 
ii- a debate on your favourite topic 'homework should be banned' ?
Ans- Interesting 
iii- how you feel when when you stay indoors due to incessant rain?
Ans- Bored
iv- how you feel when when you open a present?
Ans- Excited
v- how you feel when you you watch your favourite programne on television?
Ans- Interested
vi- the look on your mother's face as you waited in a queue?
Ans- Disappointed 
vii- how you feel when tracking a tiger in a tiger reserve forest?
Ans- Thrilled
viii- the story you have recently read, or a film you have seen?
Ans- Entertaining.

6- Value Based Question/Answers 
i- What did Rajvir see while looking outside from the train?
Ans- Rajvir saw greenary all around. First he saw the green paddy (rice) fields which gave way to the tea bushes. Then he saw a sea of tea gardens that were of the same height. He was amazed to see all this beautiful scenery. 

ii- 'This is a tea country now'. Explain this with reference to Assam. (C.B.S.E. 2013)
Ans- Assam is known as a 'tea country'. It is one of the world's largest tea producing place in India. Everywhere a sea of tea bushes can be seen in Assam. Tea produced in Assam is exported to the other countries of the world. 

iii- In what ways is China related to tea?
Ans- China is related to tea in so many ways. According to a legend,  tea was first discovered in China by a Chinese emperor. When he was boiling water for drinking, a few leaves of twigs fell into the water that changed the colour,  aroma and taste of that water. It is believed that they were tea leaves. Also, the words, 'tea, 'Chai', and 'Chini' are originated from China. 

iv- Why did Pranjol's father say that Rajvir had done his homework before visiting Assam?
Ans- Pranjol's father said that Rajvir had done his homework before visiting Assam because he shared his knowledge of tea and its popularity with Pranjol's father. 

7- To Recapitulate 
I hope the above article would be a great help in your upcoming exams. If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for watching...

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