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Glimpses Of India - Coorg || Class 10th English



Glimpses Of India - Coorg

1- Intro 
2- About The Author 
3- Short & Detailed Summary 
4- Word-Meaning 
5- Textbook Exercises 
6- Value Based Exercises 
7- Parting Note 

1- Intro
This chapter is a pen-portrait of coorg which is situated between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. Coorg is basically a coffee growing area. Besides this it is also famous for evergreen forests and spices. The people of coorg are descendents of Greeks and Arabs.
The kodavas ( residents of coorg ) are known for their hospitality. Coorg is also famous for tourism as it offers adventurous activities. It also has Buddhist monks at Bylakuppe. 
Over all, we can say that it is a one stop place for all. One can reach there by road or by rail.

2- About The Author 
• Lokesh Abrol is a doctor,  traveller,  and social worker. 
• He loves India. 
• He likes writing about different places of India that he visited. 
• He established the first stray cow shelter in Gurgaon. 
• He is also known as an established writer. 

3- Chapter Explanation 
The story is basically a pen-portrait of Coorg. Coorg is famous for evergreen forests, spices and coffee plantation.
This is the smallest district of karnataka. Coorg another name is Kodagu. Coorg is situated between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. It is also famous for martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures. Almost thirty percent of coorg is covered by rainforests. 

Weather Of Coorg
It receives a lot of rain during monsoon. Best season to visit coorg is from September and continues upto March. During these months the weather is pleasant and the coffee smell spread all around. 

The Descent Of The Kodavus
Possibly kodavus(residents of coorg) are descendents of Greeks and Arabs. It is believed that Alexander's army moved to the south of India and settled there. These people married to the locals because a glimpse of their culture can be witnessed by their martial traditions, marriages and religious rites. 

Kodavus Known For Their Hospitality 
The people of coorg are famous for their hospitality. The coorg regiment is one of the most decorated regiments of the Indian Army. The first chief of the Indian Army General Cariappa was a coorgi. Kodavus are the only people who are allowed to carry firearms in India without licence.

Wildlife In Coorg 
The river kaveri originates in the hills of coorg. A freshwater fish, Mahaseer can be found in abundance here. Other animals that are found here are squirrels, langurs, elephants etc.

Tourism In Coorg
Coorg is famous for tourism as it offers many adventurous activities like river rafting,  canoeing, rock climbing, and trekking. 
One can have a panoramic view by climbing the Brahmagiri hills. It is also famous for Buddhist monks at Bylakuppe. One can visit Coorg by road or by rail. There is no airport. So one can reach to nearest airport at Bangalore and Mangalore. 

4- Word-Meaning 
• Drifted- carried along, separated 
• Martial- concerning war
• Pours- rains 
• Commences- begins
• Tucked- hidden 
• Canopies- hanging covers
• Prime- the best quality 
• Fiercely- powerfully 
• Descent- origin
• Apparent- clear 
• Hospitality- reception of guests 
• Valour- bravery
• Abound- exist in large numbers 
• Adventure- risky work 
• Region- area
• Canoeing- traveling in a river in a canoe
• Rappelling- going down a cliff by sliding down a rope
• Panoramic view- a view of a wide area of land
• Misty- filled with fog.
• Robes- dresses

5- Textbook Exercises 
1- Where us coorg?
Ans- Coorg is situated between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. 

2- What is the story about the kodagu people's Descent?
Ans- They are descendents of Greeks and Arabs. Alexander's army moved to the south and settled here. These people married among the locals which influence their clothing,  martial traditions, marriages and religious rites which is different from hindu tradition.

3- What are some of the things you now know about 
i• the people of coorg?
ii•the main crops of coorg?
iii• the sports it offers to tourists?
iv•the animals you are likely to see in coorg?
v• its distance from Bangalore and how to get there?
i• The people of coorg are descendents of Greeks and Arabs. They are known for their hospitality and bravery.
ii• Coffee is the main crop of coorg. 
iii• It offers adventurous sports like river rafting,  canoeing, rock climbing,  repelling and trekking. 
iv• The animals likely to be seen in coorg are Malabar squirrels, langurs, elephants, slender loris etc.
v• The distance from Bangalore to coorg is 250-260 km. One can get there by road and by rail. 

4- Here are six sentences with somewords in italics. Find phrases from the text that have te same meaning. 
i- During monsoons it rains so heavily that tourists do not visit coorg. 
Ans- to keep many visitors away
ii- Some people say that Alexander's army moved south along the coast and settled there. 
Ans- As one story goes.
iii- The coorg people are always ready to tell stories of their son's and father's valour.
Ans- are more than willing to recount.
iv- Even people who normally lead an easy and slow life get smitten by the high energy adventure sports of coorg. 
Ans- The most laid back individuals become converts to
v- The theory of the Arabs origin is supported by the long coat with embroidered waist-belt they wear.
Ans- draws support from. 
vi- Macaques, Malabar squirrels observe you carefully from the tree canopy.
Ans- keep a watchful eye.

Thinking About Language 
Certain words 'go together'. Such 'word friend' are called collocations. The collocation of a word is 'the company it keeps'. For example,  look at the paired sentences and phrases below. Which is a common collocation and which one is odd? Strike out the odd sentence or phrase.
a- 'How old are you'?
'How young are you'?
b- A pleasant person 
A pleasant pillow
Ans- a- The odd sentence is 'Hiw young are you'?
b- The odd phrase is 'A pleasant pillow'.
Here are some nouns from the text.
Work with a partner and discuss which of the nounscan Collocate with which of the Adjectives. 
i- culture: unique culture, ancient culture 
ii- monks: serious monks, unique monks
iii- surprise- terrible surprise,  unforgettable surprise 
iv- experience- unique experience, good experience 
v- weather- unique weather, awesome weather 
vi- tradition- ancient tradition,  modern tradition.

2- complete the following phrases from the text. For each phrase, can you find at least one other word that would fit into the blank?
i- Tales of - bravery, valour
ii- Coastal - town, plains
iii- A piece of - heaven, cake
iv- Evergreen - rainforests,  jungle 
v- .........Plantations - coffee,  tea
vi- .........bridge - rope, steel
vii- Wild - animals,  creatures. 

6- Value Based Exercises 
i- Describe coorg's weather. When is it most pleasant for the tourists to visit coorg? (C.B.S.E. 2012)
Ans- Coorg receives heavy Rainfall during monsoon season. The weather is pleasant during the months from September to March. The smell of Coffee spread all around at this time.

ii- How is the coorgi tradition of courage and bravery recognized in modern India? (C.B.S.E. 2019)
Ans- The coirgi tradition of courage and bravery has been recognized in India as the coorg regiment was awarded the most number of gallantry awards. Also, the coorgis are the only Indians who are allowed to carry firearms without a licence anywhere in India.

iii- Why is coorg called the land of rolling hills? (C.B.S.E. 2020)
Ans-Coorg is called the land of rolling hills because it is situated on the sloping hills that are covered with green rainforests. 

iv- How do coorg's location, people and natural features add to the diversity of India? (C.B.S.E. 2016)
Ans- Coorg the smallest district of karnataka is among the most beautiful regions of India. Its natural features add to the diversity of India. It has beautiful rolling hillsides that is filled with evergreen rainforests, spices and coffee plantations. It's a home of many species of birds, insects and animals. 
It's martial tradition, rituals and rites are a mixture of Arabic and Greek culture. There are many tourist destinations that add to its glory. All the mentioned features add to its glory.

7- Parting Note 
I hope above notes would be a great help in your upcoming exams. If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I would like to end by the quote; "It always seems impossible, until it's done". By Nelson Mandela

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