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Parts Of Speech- Preposition || Definition, Types, Examples


Is made up of two words. Pre & Position. Pre means before & position means location. Another term for Preposition is a bridge word, because it acts like a bridge. It helps in joining one part of the Sentence to the other part of the sentence.                                                       It shows the relation between noun or pronoun with the rest of the sentence. Let's take an example. The Dog is in its kennel. Here the Preposition 'in' shows the relation between noun or pronoun with the rest of the sentence.  

 Commonly used Prepositions are- 

1- AT- is used for a certain moment or point in time. Ex. We got up at midnight, because we had to catch the train at 7a.m. 

 2- ON- is used to show  the surface. Like Book is on the table. It is also used for a specific day or part of any such day. Ex. I'll come on sunday. 

 3- IN- Is used to show the period of time. Ex. In 1947, In winter, In the mughal period etc. It is also used to show the total length of time, taken for the completion of an action. Ex. The bus will reach Delhi in two hours. 

 4- WITHIN- Expresses the idea of 'before the end of a period of time, not beyond that'. Ex. I shall complete my work within this week.  

 5- BY- Is used to denote the latest time by which something was or is to be done. It may be done before that time, not after that.It is used to represent the deadline. Ex. The application for the post must reach by 20th of this month. 

 6- DURING- Is used to express the idea, that an event took place or is to take place, at any time within a specified period of time. Ex. The theft took place (at any time) during the night after 10pm.                          

 7-FOR/SINCE- 'For' is used to show the period of time, whereas 'Since' is used to show the point of time. Ex. ▪︎It rained continuously for four hours. ▪︎He has been absent since Monday.   

 8- BETWEEN/AMONG- 'Between' is used for two person or thing, whereas 'Among' for more than two. Ex. ▪︎The two sisters shared the food between themselves. ▪︎ Distribute the sweets among yourself.            

9-BESIDE/BESIDES- Beside means 'by the side of' whereas besides means 'in addition to '. Ex. ▪︎She sat beside her friend. ▪︎ Besides students, their parents also attended the school annual program.           

10- TO- It is uses to show the direction. Ex He is going to Hyderabad ( means destination is fixed ). AND there is a slight difference between TO & TOWARDS. Ex. He is going towards Hyderabad ( means his destination is not fixed).      

11- FROM- From is used to show the origin from where that particular person, place or thing is originated. Ex. Where are you from? It is also used to show the cause. Ex. She is suffering from fever.(cause is fever) 

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