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Parts of Speech - Verb || Definition, Types, Examples


A verb is a word that says what a noun does. They are also known as action or doing words. Verb is the most important part of a sentence and there can be no sentence without a verb. Example- • She is cooking the food.           • Chintu was punished by the teacher.    In the first sentence it shows what the subject is doing whereas in the second sentence it shows what is done to the subject. 

Transitive verb                             

 A verb that needs an object to complete its sense is called transitive verb. Ex. 1▪︎The maid broke the vase.                         2▪︎I cook food. 

In these sentences, the verbs broke & cook do not make complete sense. They need object to complete the sense. The words Vase & Food are the objects of the verbs in these Sentences.           

  Intransitive verb          

  A verb which does not need an object to complete its sense, but makes complete sense by itself is called an Intransitive verb. Ex. 1▪︎The sun shines. 2▪︎ The baby smiles.          

NOTE : There are verbs which can be used both as Transitive & Intransitive Verbs.  It is therefore better to say that, a verb is used transitively or intransitively.                                            Ex. Farah eat an apple ( Transitive ). 

We eat to live ( Intransitive ).  

               Lexical/ Main verbs 
They indicate the main action taking place in any Sentence. Ex. The boy ran into the forest. "Ran" is the main or lexical verb. 

                                                                                     Auxiliary/Helping verb   

      They help the main verb in the sentence.  Ex. The boy will have run into the forest.  "Will have" are Auxiliary verbs, as they help the main verb.

They are divided  into  two classes:

1▪︎ Strong verbs - They are formed by  changing vowel in the body of the present without adding-ed, -d, or -t to the present. Ex. Speak-spoke, fall-fell, sing-sang etc.

2▪︎ Weak verbs - They are formed by adding-ed, -d, or -t to the present. Ex. talk-talked, spend-spent, buy-bought etc.


I hope this would be helpful. If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks you...

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