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My Elder Brother | The Talkative Barber | Detail Study



Subject - English,
Class - 5th,
Board - C.B.S.E,
Topics Covered - Explanation And Exercises,
Chapter's Name - My Elder Brother (Unit 4), AND The Talkative Barber ( Unit 6).

Story By Munshi Premchand -
▪︎ Characterization
The story revolves around the two brothers.  Elder Brother called Bhaiya ( aged 14 years ), and Younger Brother called Munna ( aged 9 years ).
▪︎ Summary-
The story is about two brothers, Elder brother called Bhaiya(aged 14 years), and younger brother called Munna(aged 9 years). Both the brothers lived together in the hostel.  Both the brothers were different from each other. They have different opinions. 
            The elder brother is very studious and studied all the day, Because he wishes to build a strong foundation through his hard work.  Whereas the younger brother prefers playing all day and very much careless about his Studies.  Thus, the elder brother always scolds his younger one(Munna) to be sincere, as he wants him to study hard, instead of wasting time sitting idly with friends, playing marbles and flying paper kites.
However the younger brother secures the first position in class and the elder brother fails inspite of hard work.  Will this shows that Elder brother is stupid? From Munna's point of view, Bhaiya is not stupid at all.
Elder brother also used to teach Munna time to time that in order to acquire proficiency in any subject, lots of tremendous effort is required.  Bhaiya also makes a timetable for Munna and told him to wake up at dawn and follow the timetable. 
After the final exams the results are out. Once again Munna passed and Bhaiya failed. The elder brother started blaming the education system, which is biased towards his failure. Munna on the other hand, Started playing and paying less attention towards studies.
The end of the story holds a deeper meaning. 
One day, the younger brother was running after a kite. Suddenly Bhaiya met him and starts scolding him for being too careless.  Bhaiya asked Munna, if I were to fall sick today? What would you do? Munna after thinking alot said, "I don't know Bhaiya". I would inform Baba.
Bhaiya said, I expected the same answer from you. You know Ma has never gone to school, and Baba has passed only 5th class. But they have more knowledge and experience than us. Then he(Bhaiya) added, Baba would not get upset, instead he would try to find out the cause and then call a doctor as he is more experienced. 
         The younger brother then realizes his mistake that his elder brother has more experience than him. It is the age difference that matters and not the grade difference. And they start running after the kite.
• What Lesson we learn from the story?
The story teaches us, that we should always obey and respect our elders, as they have more experience than us. 
• About The Writer-
Munshi Premchand was a celebrated Indian Writer. Prefix Munshi was given by readers as an honorary title to him. He started writing when he was thirteen years old.  Some of his famous novels include Gaban, Godaan, Seva Sadan, and Pratigya. BADE BHAI SAHAB (My Elder Brother) is a short story by Munshi Premchand; one of the most famous Indian writers and often called, king of novelists.
Word Meaning 
• Idling - lazy,
• Foundation - solid base,
• Schedule - timetable,
• Ashamed - feel embarrassed,
• Breeze - light wind.
Question/ Answers-
1▪︎ Name the two brothers?
Ans▪︎ Bhaiya and Munna.
2▪︎ What are the things that Bhaiya likes to do?
Ans▪︎ Bhaiya studied all day.
3▪︎ What are the things that Munna liked to do?
Ans▪︎ Munna likes to play marbles, fly paper kites and to sit idly with friends. 
4▪︎ Why was Bhaiya so strict with his younger brother?
Ans▪︎ Bhaiya was so strict because he wanted him to study hard instead of wasting time. 
5▪︎ Whose character do you like more - Munna's or Bhaiya? Support your answer with suitable reason.
Ans▪︎ NOTE - This is a sample answer.  readers are advised to write the answers based on their observation.
I like Bhaiya's character more than Munna's. Because he is very hard working and studious. 
Multiple Choice Questions-
• Who has topped his class?
1- Bhaiya
2- Munna
Ans▪︎ Munna.
• What is the age gap between two brothers?
1- four years
2- five years
Ans▪︎ five years.
•Which brother is more hard working?
1- Bhaiya
2- Munna
Ans▪︎ Bhaiya.
• Who was not happy with the timetable made by Bhaiya?
1- Munna
2- His friends 
Ans▪︎ Munna.
Story Taken From Arabian Nights-
▪︎ Characterization-
The talkative Barber,
Barber's Six Brothers.
▪︎ Summary-
This is the story of a talkative barber, who lived in the city of Cashgar. One day Sultan called him to shave his head. Instead of doing his work, he talked continuously. 
He also kept telling all sorts of stories to Sultan. He told Sultan about his six brothers.  And their names were Bacbone(buk-bon), Bakbarea(buk-buria), Bakbac(buk-buk), Alcouz(ul-kooz), Alnaschee(ul-nashi), and Schacabac(shaka-bak). The barber kept on telling, one brother is humpbacked, one is toothless, one is half blind, one is quite blind, one is deaf and the other has a defect in his speech and they are all great talkers. 
At this point, Sultan lost all his patience and offered him to take three gold pieces and wants to send him away. But Barber refused. He (Sultan) told Barber that he has to go for an urgent affair.
Sultan told him to hurry as he has called his friends for the feast. As soon as he listens this, he recalled that he too invited friends but not made any preparations. Now the Sultan offers him all the prepared food for feeding barber's friends.  He left the Sultan half shaved and told him that he had to go. At this Sultan offered him three gold coins and the dinner.He went in between to inspect the food and he (Barber) asked for fruits and desserts as well. At last, he takes a break once again and told the Sultan that he was unaware about the generousness of the Sultan. Actually in reality, Sultan wants to get rid of that Barber at any cost.
What lesson we learn from the story?
Ans- The story highlights that people should not be talkative, but concentrate on their work. "If speech is silver, Silent is sometimes gold".
• Exercises-
Word Meaning 
• Chatterer - talkative,
• defect - a fault,
• dessert - a sweet dish that is served after the meal,
• exhausted - tired and fed up,
• At length - at a stretch.
Question Answers 
1▪︎ How many brothers Barber have?
Ans▪︎ He had six brothers. 
2▪︎ Why did the Barber took so long to shave the Sultan?
Ans▪︎ The Barber took so long to shave the Sultan because he was continuously talking and wasting time. 
3▪︎ Why sultan was in a hurry?
The Sultan was in a hurry because he had invited few friends to a feast .
4▪︎ Did the Sultan enjoy the Barber's talk?
Ans▪︎ He did not enjoy at all, instead he wants to get rid of the Barber at any cost.
5▪︎ What are the things that Sultangave to the Barber?
Ans▪︎ The Sultan gave three gold pieces, all the food, fruits and dessert for feast to the Barber.


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