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4-Punctuation mark,
5-Points to Remember.
Punctuation help the readers to understand the proper connection between parts of a sentence. OR Punctuation provides instructions on the basic rules of using a comma, colon, capitals, full stop, semicolon, ellipses, apostrophe and writing numbers. 
If the punctuation is used incorrectly, then it changes the meaning of the sentence completely. 

Abdullah says, "Jim is outside ".
( here Abdullah is the speaker )
"Abdullah", says Jim, "is outside".
( here Jim is the speaker )
1-Full Stop (•) is used                                 ▪︎at the end of a sentence. 
 Example- I went out yesterday. 
 We went for a walk in the morning. 
▪︎For abbreviations.
Example- N.A. ( Not Applicable )
▪︎after initial letters.
Example- Mr.M.K.Siddiqui 
2-Comma (,) is used
▪︎to separate a list of words. 
Example- She bought some pens, pencils etc.
▪︎to mark off the person or persons, being addressed. 
Example- Raj,go and bring me a pen.
▪︎to separate a pair of words.
Example- We ran helter-skelter, when we saw the fire.
▪︎ they are also used to show shorter pauses than a semicolon (;) or a full stop. We usually put a comma between two main clauses, before but, and or, but only if the second clause has a subject.
Example- She was an intelligent, young lady.
3-Capital Letters (A, G, F) are used 
▪︎to begin a sentence 
Example- This is the place we chose.
▪︎For titles and proper names
Example- The President of India will come tomorrow. 
▪︎ For 'I' and the Interjection 'O'
Example- If I do not come, go without me.
O Sanjana! Come here.
▪︎ Days and months are always written in capital letters. 
Example- Today is Monday. 
In the month of November, they will come home.
4-Inverted Commas ( " " ) are used
▪︎put before and after Direct Speech 
Example- "Come here", said the teacher. 
▪︎for titles of literary works, names of newspapers, magazines, buildings etc.
Example- "The Road Not Taken " by Robert Frost
"The times of India" is available everywhere. 
5-Exclamation mark (!) is used
▪︎after an exclamation or Interjection
Example- Wow! What a beautiful dress.
Oh no! I have lost my keys again.
▪︎after a striking thought absurd statement 
Example- I wish to fly like a bird!
I've got an idea!
6-Question mark (?) is used
▪︎at the end of a sentence that ask questions.
Example- How often do you visit your doctor?
Which train is late?
7-Apostrophe ( 's or s' ) is used
▪︎are used in the possessive form of nouns and short forms or contraction.
Example- Sanjana's house ( singular  )
Sanjana is singular so the apostrophe is before 's
The puppies' food ( plural )
Puppies are plural so the apostrophe is after the s'.
Children's books, women's hostel
( children and women are plurals not ending in s ) so apostrophe is put before ('s )
8-The Colon (:) is used
▪︎ after the independent clause and before the word, phrase, sentence, and Quotation.
Example- Rami had only one thing in her mind: her career.
9- The Semi-Colon (;) is used
▪︎between two main clauses, when the second main clause is not linked grammatically to the first.
Example- The father and his son start work at every morning; they get up early because there is always a lot to do.
10-Ellipses (....) is used
▪︎when you are quoting material, and you want to omit some words.
Example- The ceremony honoured some.......from India.
▪︎Punctuation marks the proper connection between parts of a sentence. 
▪︎Apostrophe is used differently with singular and plural. 
▪︎Inverted commas(" ") are used in Direct speech to quote the exact words of the speaker. 
▪︎Capital letters ( A, G, F ) are always used whenever a sentence begins.
▪︎Apostrophe (') is used to indicate an omission of one or more letters from the spelling of the word as well.
Like, even - e'en
          It is - it's, 'tis
          do not - don't
          Shall not - Shan't
          did not - didn't 
           I will - I'll
If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will Get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you...


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