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Parts Of Speech

             Parts Of Speech                            There are Eight parts of Speech.            1▪︎ Noun                                                      2▪︎ Pronoun                                                  3▪︎ Verb                                                        4▪︎ Preposition                                            5▪︎ Adjective                                                6▪︎ Adverb                                                    7▪︎ Interjection                                            8▪︎ Conjunction

      So, In this blog I would explain about  Noun & in the upcoming blogs I would definitely  cover  other parts. 


Noun is the name of a person, place, animal or things.                                           Ex. Abdullah, Shakku ( person )                   Lucknow, Hyderabad (Place)
           Lion, Tiger ( Animal )                               Book, Chair ( Thing )  
                                                                 There are eight Type of Nouns:            1- Proper noun - Is the particular name of any common noun. Ex. Farah, Amrita, Delhi etc.    
                                                                        2 - Common noun - Are the names given in common to every person, place or thing of the same class or kind.Ex. Boy, City, School etc.  
                                                                        3 - Abstract noun - Are nouns which include action, feelings, states & qualities. We can just feel them , or think of them. Ex. Beauty, Happiness, Education etc.  

 4 - Concrete noun - Names anything or anyone that you can perceive through  your physical senses like touch, taste, sight, hearing or smell. Ex. Names, car, Cottage, etc.    
                                                                        5 - Material noun - Noun that from which thing is made. Ex. Ring is made of gold, book is made of paper, cloth is made up of thread.
                                                                        6 - Collective noun - Are the names given to a collection  of person, place, animal or thing. Ex. Cluster of stars, bunch of Roses,  group of people etc.   

 7 - Countable noun - As its clear from the name itself. Countable nouns are those nouns that Names anything or anyone that you can count. Can have both a singular & plural form.  Ex. Five rupees, ten trees, car etc.  

 8 - Non-countable noun - By reading the heading we can quickly get to know that Non - Countable means that we can't count. It do not have a plural form, and it cannot be counted. Ex. Oil, sand, oxygen, water etc.       

To Conclude-
To Conclude, there are basically eight types of Nouns. All the eight types are very important and used widely. Now you are provided with the details of this topic. I hope this article would be helpful to you. If any doubts, you can reach me through comment section, I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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