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Male-Female || Relationship


 Male            Female          Relation

  Father              Mother            Parent          Son                 Daughter           Child            Husband         wife                  Spouse        Brother           Sister               Sibling          Uncle                Aunt       Parent'sSibling    Nephew           Niece      Sibling's child     Cousin              Cousin       Aunt's/Uncle's                                                       child        Grandfather  G.mother    Grandparents Grandson     Granddaughter Grandchild
• Someone's male parent is called - Father
• Someone's female parent is called - Mother
• Someone's father or mother is called - Parent
• Someone's male child is called - Son
• Someone's female child is called - Daughter 
• The man who is married to a woman is called - Husband 
• The woman who is married to a man is called - Wife
• Somebody married to another person either husband or wife is called - Spouse
• Someone's father's father is called - Grandfather 
• Someone's father's mother is called - Grandmother 
• Someone's father's parent are called - Grandparent
• A father of Someone's grandparent is called- Great grandfather 
• A mother of Someone's grandparent is called - Great grandmother 
• Someone's Son's son or daughter son is called - Grandson
• Someone's Son's daughter or daughter's daughter is called - Granddaughter 
• Someone's Son's son or daughter's child is called - Grandchild
• A boy or man who has the same parents as another person is called - Brother
• A girl or woman who has the same parents as another person is called - Sister
• A Brother or Sister is called - Sibling 
• A Brother or Sister who is older than you is called - Elder brother or sister
• A Brother or Sister who is younger than you is called - Younger brother or sister 
• Mother's or father's brother, Someone's Aunt's husband is called - Uncle
• Mother's or father's sister, Someone's uncle's wife is called - Aunt
• Someone's brother's or sister's son, Someone's husband's or wife's brothers or Sisters son is called - Nephew
• Someone's brother's or sister's daughter, someone's husband's or wife's brother's or sister's daughter is called - Niece
• Someone's parents brother's or sister's child; Someone's aunt's or uncle's child is called - Cousin
• Someone's mother's husband is called Stepfather ( not your real father )
• Someone's father's wife is called - Stepmother ( not your real mother )
• Someone's stepfather's or step mother's son is called  - Stepbrother 
• Someone's stepfather's or step mother's daughter is called - Stepsister
• Someone's spouse's son from an earlier marriage is called - Stepson
• Someone's spouse's daughter from an earlier marriage is called - Stepdaughter 
• Someone's spouse's father is called - Father-in-law
• Someone's spouse's mother is called - Mother-in-law
• Someone's spouse's brother is called - Brother-in-law
• Someone's spouse's sister is called - Sister-in-law
• Someone's daughter's husband is called - Son-in-law
• Someone's Son's wife is called - Daughter-in-law
• A woman whose husband has died is called - Widow 
• A man whose wife has  died is called - Widower

Bachelor▪︎ a man who has never been married. 
Spinster▪︎ a woman who has never been married. 

Sample Letter to SISTER:
Write a letter to your sister who is in Delhi telling her how you learnt to ride a bicycle and the problems you faced.

Nehru Park,
Company Bagh,
New Delhi.
15th November,2021.

My dear Sana,
                          How do you do? I am fine here and hope same for you. I can't wait to relate to you my new achievement.
                       Daddy presented me with a new bicycle last week for coming first in class. As you know, I don't know how to ride a bicycle but I got onto it with determination and asked Sam to give me a push. I went a few yards and fell. I got a few bruises but thank God my bicycle was fine.
                              My next attempt took me off the road but I managed to guide myself back and after that there was no looking back. This whole week I have enjoyed myself going for rides with my friends. I'm waiting to take you for a ride when you come next week. Come soon and take good care of your health. 
Yours lovingly 

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