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Active & Passive Voice || English Grammar || All Boards


       Active & Passive Voice 

Active Voice- when a person or thing denoted by the subject does something or in other words is the doer of the action, the verb is said to be in the Active Voice. Ex. Shakku writes a letter.

Passive Voice - A verb is said to be in the P Passive Voice assive Voice, when it shows that the subject is not the doer of the action, that something is done to the subject.      Ex. A letter is written  by Shakku.

Rules For Changing Active Into Passive  Voice:

1▪︎ The object  of  the verb in the active voice becomes the subject of the verb in the passive voice.

2▪︎ 3rd form of verb is used.

3▪︎ BY is used before the object. 

4▪︎ In the Simple Present Tense the verb in the passive voice is made by adding the past participle form (the third form) of the verb to is/am/are.                              Ex  Parents love their children. (Active Voice)                                                              Childrens are loved by their parents. (Passive Voice)

5▪︎ If the verb is in the simple past tense in the active voice, then the passive voice is made by adding the past participle ( the third form) of the verb to was/were.                                              Ex. I ate an Apple.( Active Voice)              An Apple was eaten by me.( Passive Voice)

6▪︎ If the verb is in the Present Continuous Tense, then the passive voice is made in the following way: is/am/are + being + past participle ( the third form ) of the verb.                          Ex. The girl is singing a song. ( Active Voice)                                                              A song is being sung by the girl.(Passive Voice)

7▪︎ If the verb is in the Past Continuous Tense, then the passive is formed in the following way: was/were + being + past participle ( third form ) of the verb.        Ex. The children were feeding the cows.( Active Voice )                                               The cows were being fed by the children. ( Passive Voice )

             Subject                         Object 

                 I                                   Me                             We                                 Us                                He                                 Him                            She                                Her                            They                          Them

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