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The House Of Grammar( Detail Study )


          The House Of Grammar 

The term 'Parts Of Speech ' is complete in itself. As foundation holds a very important place in construction of a house. Similarly, In English Language, foundation is Parts Of Speech. It plays a very important role in making a language strong.
They are known as the Building blocks of English Grammar. They helps in making meaningful sentences.
Every word or sentence that we use fall into the category of Parts of speech, whether its Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Preposition, Adverb, Adjective, Conjunction or Interjection. 

Now I will talk about different parts of speech in depth. There are total eight parts of speech- Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Preposition, Adverb, Adjective, Conjunction and Interjection. 

1▪︎NOUN - 
Since childhood we kept on hearing about Noun. And we all know the definition of Noun. It says:
Noun is the name of a person, place, animal or things. 
• Sheena is my best friend. (person)
• Hyderabad is famous for pearls.(place)
• Tiger is the national animal of our country. (animal)
• The book is on the table.(things)

There are eight Type of Nouns:            1- Proper noun - Is the particular name of any common noun. Ex. Farah, Amrita, Delhi etc.    
                                                                        2 - Common noun - Are the names given in common to every person, place or thing of the same class or kind.Ex. Boy, City, School etc.  
                                                                        3 - Abstract noun - Are nouns which include action, feelings, states & qualities. We can just feel them , or think of them. Ex. Beauty, Happiness, Education etc.   

  4 - Concrete noun - Names anything or anyone that you can perceive through  your physical senses like touch, taste, sight, hearing or smell. Ex. Names, car, Cottage, etc.    
                                                                        5 - Material noun - Noun that from which thing is made. Ex. Ring is made of gold, book is made of paper, cloth is made up of thread.
                                                                        6 - Collective noun - Are the names given to a collection  of person, place, animal or thing. Ex. Cluster of stars, bunch of Roses,  group of people etc.   

 7 - Countable noun - As its clear from the name itself. Countable nouns are those nouns that Names anything or anyone that you can count. Can have both a singular & plural form.  Ex. Five rupees, ten trees, car etc.  

8 - Non-countable noun - By reading the heading we can quickly get to know that Non - Countable means that we can't count. It do not have a plural form, and it cannot be counted. Ex. Oil, sand, oxygen, water etc.       

▪︎ QUIZ:
Choose the correct Noun-
• We should make the right .........................( discoveries/choices)
• The man was a ..............................(doctor/boy)
• Mahira told her teacher the .........................(thought/truth)
• needed to make bottles.(wood/glass)
• We make sweaters with........................... 

Pronouns are all those words, that are used in place of a Noun. Ex. Bunty is a good boy. He goes to school everyday. So instead of using Bunty again and again he is used in place of Bunty. In other words we can say that HE is used for Boy and SHE is used for Girl.

  There are eight kinds of pronoun. 

 1- Personal pronoun- Are the most commonly  used pronouns.This is divided  into  two  Parts.               •Singular Personal   pronoun- I, we      (first person), You( second  person), He, she, him,her,it(third person).            •Plural personal pronoun - we, us, you, they,them etc.                                            Ex - •I live in Delhi.                                        •He is a good boy.                                      

2- Reflexive pronoun- Pronouns ending in self are called reflexive pronoun. Like myself, yourself, herself, itself etc.Ex- •He hurt himself.                     •I don't know it myself. 

3- Relative pronoun- Who, whose, whom, which and that are called Relative pronoun. In other words, they are used to show somewhat relation. Ex- •The pen which I lost was expensive.                                                      • Here comes the girls whom everyone likes. 

4- Possessive pronoun- It shows possession/relationship. We can say that they are used to show ownership that this person, place or thing belongs to me. Like mine, ours, yours, his, her etc. Ex- •This house is mine.                        • Those books are yours. 

5- Demonstrative pronoun- Is a pronoun that refers to things that are near or at a distance.                      
NOTE: this & these are used for things, which  are near(singular). Whereas that & those express distance ( plural). Ex- •This is my car.                                             • Those clothes are yours.

 6- Indefinite pronoun- Refer to a person  or  thing in a general way. It does not refer to any particular person, place or thing. Like one, none, all, some, somebody. Ex- •Somebody has broken the glass.                                                         • Nobody knows her.

7- Distributive pronoun- Distributive pronoun are those pronouns that refers to a person, place or thing one at a time. Like Each,either,neither etc. •Ex- Neither of them came on time.                   •Each one of them got a prize.

8- Interrogative pronoun- Is used to ask a question. Like Who,which,what, whom, where etc. Ex- •Whom do you want to meet?                                                 •Who is your best friend?

▪︎ QUIZ:

Tick the correct Relative Pronoun-

• This is the house (that/who) Jack built.

• I have a myna (that/who) can talk.

• The family (that/who) moved next door is known to us.

• This boy is generous (whoever/whatever) he may be.

• Is this the person (who/which) won the Nobel Prize. 

3▪︎ VERB-

A verb is a word that says what a noun does. They are also known as action or doing words. Verb is the most important part of a sentence and there can be no sentence without a verb. Example- • She is cooking the food.           • Chintu was punished by the teacher.    In the first sentence it shows what the subject is doing whereas in the second sentence it shows what is done to the subject. 

Transitive verb                             

 A verb that needs an object to complete its sense is called transitive verb. Ex. 1▪︎The maid broke the vase.                         2▪︎I cook food. 

In these sentences, the verbs broke & cook do not make complete sense. They need object to complete the sense. The words Vase & Food are the objects of the verbs in these Sentences.           

Intransitive verb          

  A verb which does not need an object to complete its sense, but makes complete sense by itself is called an Intransitive verb. Ex. 1▪︎The sun shines. 2▪︎ The baby smiles.          

NOTE : There are verbs which can be used both as Transitive & Intransitive Verbs.  It is therefore better to say that, a verb is used transitively or intransitively.                                            Ex. Farah eat an apple ( Transitive ). 

We eat to live ( Intransitive ).  

Lexical/ Main verbs 
They indicate the main action taking place in any Sentence. Ex. The boy ran into the forest. "Ran" is the main or lexical verb. 

Auxiliary/Helping verb  

 They help the main verb in the sentence.  Ex. The boy will have run into the forest.  "Will have" are Auxiliary verbs, as they help the main verb.

They are divided  into  two classes:

1▪︎ Strong verbs - They are formed by  changing vowel in the body of the present without adding-ed, -d, or -t to the present. Ex. Speak-spoke, fall-fell, sing-sang etc.

2▪︎ Weak verbs - They are formed by adding-ed, -d, or -t to the present. Ex. talk-talked, spend-spent, buy-bought etc.

▪︎ QUIZ:

Complete the following Sentences by supplying suitable objects.

• The gardener waters..........................

• Boys fly......................

• The thief stole...................

• Shakespeare wrote...................

• The man rides.........................

4▪︎ Preposition-

Is made up of two words. Pre & Position. Pre means before & position means location. Another term for Preposition is a bridge word, because it acts like a bridge. It helps in joining one part of the Sentence to the other part of the sentence.                                                       It shows the relation between noun or pronoun with the rest of the sentence. Let's take an example. The Dog is in its kennel. Here the Preposition 'in' shows the relation between noun or pronoun with the rest of the sentence.  

 Commonly used Prepositions are- 

1- AT- is used for a certain moment or point in time. Ex. We got up at midnight, because we had to catch the train at 7a.m. 

 2- ON- is used to show  the surface. Like Book is on the table. It is also used for a specific day or part of any such day. Ex. I'll come on sunday. 

 3- IN- Is used to show the period of time. Ex. In 1947, In winter, In the mughal period etc. It is also used to show the total length of time, taken for the completion of an action. Ex. The bus will reach Delhi in two hours. 

 4- WITHIN- Expresses the idea of 'before the end of a period of time, not beyond that'. Ex. I shall complete my work within this week.  

 5- BY- Is used to denote the latest time by which something was or is to be done. It may be done before that time, not after that.It is used to represent the deadline. Ex. The application for the post must reach by 20th of this month. 

 6- DURING- Is used to express the idea, that an event took place or is to take place, at any time within a specified period of time. Ex. The theft took place (at any time) during the night after 10pm.                          

 7-FOR/SINCE- 'For' is used to show the period of time, whereas 'Since' is used to show the point of time. Ex. ▪︎It rained continuously for four hours. ▪︎He has been absent since Monday.   

 8- BETWEEN/AMONG- 'Between' is used for two person or thing, whereas 'Among' for more than two. Ex. ▪︎The two sisters shared the food between themselves. ▪︎ Distribute the sweets among yourself.            

9-BESIDE/BESIDES- Beside means 'by the side of' whereas besides means 'in addition to '. Ex. ▪︎She sat beside her friend. ▪︎ Besides students, their parents also attended the school annual program.           

10- TO- It is uses to show the direction. Ex He is going to Hyderabad ( means destination is fixed ). AND there is a slight difference between TO & TOWARDS. Ex. He is going towards Hyderabad ( means his destination is not fixed).      

11- FROM- From is used to show the origin from where that particular person, place or thing is originated. Ex. Where are you from? It is also used to show the cause. Ex. She is suffering from fever.(cause is fever)

5▪︎ Adverb-

An Adverb is a word, that modifies a verb, an adjective or another Adverb. It indicates time, place, manner & so on.

Ex. She is extremely beautiful.                        He is a very good player. 
NOTE:Below I have mentioned the video related to Adverb. You can also see subject related videos on my youtube channel. 
1▪︎ Adverb of manner- They tell us the manner in which action takes place. It answers the question 'how'? They mostly end in 'ly'. Like badly, happily, easily etc.                                                         Ex. •He works hardly.                                   • Take your exercise regularly

2▪︎ Adverb of place- An adverb of 'place ' tell us where something is done or happen. It answers the question where?Like everywhere, inside, outside, backward etc.                                            Ex. •We have been looking everywhere 
 for you.                                                          • He went away.

3 ▪︎ Adverb of time- An adverb of 'time' tell us when and also for how long an action takes place.  It answers the question 'when'? Like today, Weekly, monthly, yesterday etc.                                 Ex. •He is going tomorrow.                          • I will call you today

4▪︎ Adverb of degree - An adverb of degree shows how much or to what extent a thing is done. It answers the question 'how much'? Like very, entirely, absolutely etc.                                 Ex. •She is very good at painting.             • He didn't work hard enough to win the competition. 

5▪︎ Adverb of frequency  - An adverb of frequency tell us how frequently something is done or takes place.  It answers the question 'how often'? Like twice, daily, often, always etc.                    Ex.  •I go to fruit market twice a week.     • The park in our colony is cleaned daily
6▪︎ Interrogative Adverb- They are used for asking questions. It ends with a question mark (?)
 Ex.  •How often do you visit your parents?                                                          • Which train is late today?

▪︎ QUIZ:
Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs.
• Let's go ..................... for a while.
• We were looking for you....................
• She was.................... disturbed today.
• We met the twins........................
• The big bazaars is.......................

An Adjective adds to the meaning of a noun ( or pronoun  ). It may refer to quality, quantity, number & so on.             Ex. There are seven days in a week.                He told us an interesting story.                 There is little water in the jug.    The words seven,interesting, and little in the above sentences, add to the meaning of a Nouns days, story, and water respectively. So they are Adjectives. Each Adjective is followed by a noun it qualifies
There are eight kinds of Adjectives: 

1▪︎ Adjectives of Quality - Adjectives of quality tell us about the quality or kind of a person or a thing we are talking about. Example- •Sana is an intelligent girl. • The Elephant is a large animal.    
• we live under the blue sky.
NOTE: The adjectives intelligent, large, and blue tell us what kind of a person or thing it is, such adjectives are called Adjectives of Quality. It answers the question "of what kind"?

2▪︎ Adjectives of Quantity - It tell us how much of a thing is intended are called Adjectives of Quantity. Example- •There is little coffee in the kettle. • She takes great care of her health. • He does not have much money.                              NOTE:
The Adjectives little, great, and much tell us how much of thing is intended.  Such Adjectives are called Adjectives of Quantity.  It answers the question "How much"?      

3▪︎ Adjectives of Number or Numeral Adjectives- It tell us how many persons or things are spoken of or in what ways or order a person or thing or thing stands, are called Adjectives of Number. 
Examples- •She is twenty years old.     
                    • I have many friends. 
                     • All men are mortal.
Thus twenty, many, and All are Adjectives of number or numeral adjectives. It answer the question "How many"?

4▪︎ Demonstrative Adjectives- Demonstrative Adjectives tell us which person, place or thing is spoken of.         Examples- •Bunty and Sheena are in the same class.  •These dresses are for sale.  •This lady is very polite. 
Therefore, same, these and this are called Demonstrative Adjectives. 
NOTE: 'this' and 'that' are used with singular nouns. 
'these' and 'those' are used with plural nouns.

5▪︎ Distributive Adjectives- They are used to show that the person or things from a group are taken one at a time.
Example- •Each men has his own ideas.
• I have read every book you gave me.
• Neither boy was rewarded. 
The Adjectives each, every and neither , refer to a person or things taken separately. These words are called Distributive Adjectives. 

6▪︎ Interrogative Adjectives - The words what, which, and whose , when used with nouns to ask questions are called Interrogative Adjectives. 
Example- •which train is late?
  •Whose dress is she wearing?
   •What is your name?
▪︎ QUIZ:
Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives.
• I like to read............... stories.
• My house is near a................... river.
• ...................... water in the rivers spread diseases. 
• An elephant carries............... logs of wood.
• .................... pen is lying on the table.

Conjunction is a joining word. It join one word to another word or one sentence to another sentence. The most commonly used conjunctions are and, but, or, because, till, still, although, as, unless, while, when etc.
Example- Two and two makes four.
I play cricket, but I don't play too well.
Stay there till your mother comes.
She kept teasing me, still I kept quiet.
There are three types of Conjunctions:
1▪︎ Coordinate Conjunction- It connects two words or group of words with similar values. 
Example- A  and B stayed up all night practicing their guitar. 
NOTE : There are only seven Coordinate conjunction in the English language, and they are often remembered by using the FANBOYS which means F for for, A for and, N for nor, B for but, O for or, Y for yet, S for so.

2▪︎ Subordinate Conjunction- It connects two group of words by making one into a subordinate clause. ( clause is a group of words that consists of a subject and a verb ) OR we can say that it connects two elements of unequal status. It answers the question 'when' and 'why'? 
Example- I can go shopping, after I finish studying. ( when )
Because the night was young, Farah decided to take a walk.( why )

3▪︎Correlative Conjunction- They are similar to Coordinate conjunction, because they join sentence elements that are similar in importance. And they are always used in pairs. 
Both, and - Both Shakku and Arhan made the cricket team this year.
Neither, nor - Neither Farah nor Sania attended the wedding party.
Not only, but also - Not only did Arsh made the hockey team, but also become one of the strongest player. 

▪︎ QUIZ:
Join the given Sentences with a conjunction. 
• Reena was late. She missed the debate.
• Granny told them the story. She was knitting. 
• The little child was punished. Her father came.
• You better study. You do not want a bad result. 
• Tell Timmy my father will pick her up. It is raining heavily. 

Interjection is a word or word group that shows the feelings. OR they are used to express sudden feelings of happiness, sorrow, fear, hurt or surprise. Like Ah! Oh! Wow! Well done! Hurray! Alas! Hush! etc.
NOTE : Interjection is always followed by an exclamation mark.
Examples - wow! What a beautiful dress.
Hurray! We won the match.
Hush! Don't speak so loudly.
Alas! I have hurt my hand.
Oh no! I have lost my keys again.

▪︎ QUIZ:
Fill in the suitable Interjection. 
• .................. what a brilliant idea.
• .................. The birds will fly away. 
• .................. What a silly thing to do.
• .................. Baby has just gone to sleep. 
• .................. That was a good shot.

I hope now you have all the details collected related to parts of speech. I also hope this detailed article would be a great help. If any doubts you can reach me through the comment section box and I will Get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you. 


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